Helpful Tips for Fundraising

The Tour de Lyme is a fund raising event organized to benefit the Lyme Land Trust. Sure, we want you to have a great time on May 17 riding our roads and trails with fellow cyclists, and enjoy a great picnic lunch while listening to the entertainment, courtesy of our generous sponsors; but we also need to raise money and we believe you can help.

Understand the cause. These lovely scenic areas you ride through didn’t just happen. Thousands of acres of fields and forests have been protected through the hard work of the Land Trust. We have a moral and legal obligation to protect these lands forever and a goal to acquire more. That costs money. That is where your team fundraising can help.

Believe in the cause. Land conservation plays a major role in protecting the quality of the water we drink, the air we breathe and even the climate. Countless studies demonstrate that people benefit emotionally and physically just from being outside and connecting with nature. You do it on a bicycle, while others walk or hike. Great swaths of protected space provide valuable habitat for many species of wildlife.

Once lost to development, the whole character of a place changes. Our region has a rich history of attracting artists and photographers coming to capture bucolic scenes of nature with their brush or camera. They come now as they did over 100 years ago. Supporting land conservation is a good cause – not a heart wrenching one – but one that benefits us all.

Just start. Don’t delay, set an attainable and realistic fundraising goal that your team can reach–and hopefully exceed. The default number in the program is $1,000 but you can change that up or down.

  1. Create a short, succinct story. Use the material above or visit the Lyme Land Trust web site and the Tour de Lyme web page for more material about the benefits of land conservation.
  2. Create a personal online team fundraising page. It’s easy, just go to the Tour de Lyme Fundraising page and click . It is far more effective than raising money offline.
  3. Create a list people you know who might help you reach your goal. This could include friends, family and co-workers, and people they recommend. Use email or social media like Facebook to contact them. If you do so in person, have a simple handout with our website information. Don’t forget merchants you patronize or companies that provide services to you or your business.
  4. Make sure you thank everyone for supporting your team.


Good luck. If you need additional help or information, email and we will provide any assistance we can.